🦋 Facts tell, stories sell 💬

Learn the art of storytelling that Airbnb, Shopify, and TOMS use in their marketing.

Hey — It's Pankaj, your fellow marketing fan.

This is the 5th edition of The Checkout Experience!

What I’m about to share with you today, can take your marketing to a new level.

But first, how did your weekend go? I hope you were able to recharge your batteries. 💪🏻

In this newsletter, let’s explore the art of storytelling in marketing, shall we?

Reading time — 1.25 minutes.

Research shows that people remember information presented in the form of a story up to 22 times more than facts or data alone.

That’s a 2100% increase!

3 storytelling tips for your online store

1 — Each product has a story to tell.

Craft product stories that make your audience feel emotionally connected to what you offer.

One brand that effectively used product stories in their marketing is TOMS.

A company known for its shoes, eyewear, and accessories. TOMS had built their brand around the concept of giving back.

When you bought a product from TOMS, they donated a similar product to someone in need through their one-for-one program. They told stories of children receiving new shoes, people gaining access to clean water, or individuals receiving vital eye care.

People felt good when they bought their products, knowing that their purchase was helping someone in need.

Although they no longer run the one-for-one program anymore, it was one of their most successful marketing campaigns.

2 — Every customer has a story to tell.

Encourage your customers to share their experiences, photos and reviews related to your products.

Highlight these stories on your website and social media to build trust among your potential buyers.

Nike and Shopify do this pretty well. Almost all of their content on Instagram revolves around the success stories of their customers.

3 — Themed collections.

Create collections around specific themes or narratives. Tell a story through the products you select and how they relate to each other.

This not only simplifies the shopping experience for your customers but also connects the stories of multiple products together to reflect your brand’s vision.

LEGO’s ‘Star Wars’ collection is a good example!

2 marketing strategies that amplify the impact of storytelling

1 — Create narrative-driven content.

You can extend storytelling beyond your product descriptions. Develop blog posts, videos, or social media content that revolve around the stories of your brand’s values, mission, or industry.

Airbnb shares inspiring and immersive stories from hosts and guests around the world. Their content goes beyond showcasing accommodation options.

They tell stories of unique experiences, connections, and cultural exchanges that happen when people stay in their homes or explore new destinations through Airbnb.

2 — Storytelling in email marketing campaigns.

Patagonia is an outdoor clothing and gear company known for its commitment to environmental sustainability.

In their email campaigns, they send stories of passionate climbers who conquered a challenging peak ⛰︎ with the help of their gear.

They also share stories about their environmental initiatives and the impact they’re making.

Through their emails, they invite the customers to be a part of the movement. This helps them build an emotional connection with their customers.

1 favorite quote:

Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories you tell.

Seth Godin

I highly recommend reading the book “This is Marketing” by Seth Godin.

That's a wrap for today. Wish you a week filled with stories you feel proud to tell! ♥️ See you next Monday!

— Pankaj

P.S. If you’re a business owner, there are 3 ways I can help you

  1. Create your Shopify store so that you can start selling online.

  2. Optimize your existing website to increase sales.

  3. Run highly effective newsletters and email marketing campaigns for your business.

If interested, just reply to this email with “Hey, let’s work together” and we can start from there.

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You may want to read these —

Tools that I use and highly recommend —

  1. Notion - For productivity & project management.

  2. Shopify - For creating e-commerce stores.

  3. BeeHiiv - For publishing Newsletters.

  4. PageFly - Shopify App for building custom landing pages.