🦋 The Art of Creating Instagram Ads That Get Clicked

Plus, strategies to reach and convert more people.

Hey — It's Pankaj, your fellow eCommerce fan.

Welcome to the 3rd edition of The Checkout Experience!

To all the hardworking moms out there who are building their dreams while raising their kids, you are an inspiration. Happy Mother’s Day! (I’m writing this on May 14).

Okay, without further ado. Let’s begin.

In this week’s newsletter, I will tell you some secrets to save your money on Instagram Ads.

Reading time — 1 minute.

Instagram Ads have an average conversion rate of 3.9%.

That means out of 100 people who click on your ad, nearly 4 will make a purchase.

But, only a few people will actually click on your Ad.

Why? Because it fails to get their attention.

Want to get the most out of your Ad spend? Keep reading.

3 actionable tips to create ads that get clicked —

1 — In your ad, show your product being used in a familiar environment for your target audience.

Somewhere they will most likely use it.

Familiar Environment

2 — Instagram is a visual platform. Create high-quality visual ads that stand out.

It can be an image or a video.

Avoid using too much text. And focus on aesthetics.

Visual Ads

3 — Include a clear Call-to-Action. People must know what they’re supposed to do next.

Examples of clear CTAs —
Shop Now, Contact Us, Learn More

2 marketing strategies to reach and convert more people —

1 — Retargeting Ads.

Show Ads to people who have already interacted with your business.

People who have visited your website, or engaged with your content in the past, are much more likely to buy from you.

Retargeting Ads

2 — Collaborate with niche influencers to promote your products.

They are highly effective and they don’t even charge too much money.

Example — Let’s say you sell skincare products.

Partnering with a beauty influencer can help you reach a larger audience interested in your products.

A beauty influencer promoting a skincare product

1 favorite quote:

From the book "Ogilvy on Advertising" by David Ogilvy:

The customer is not a moron, she's your wife.

David Ogilvy

It means your customers are intelligent and should be treated with respect.

Do you have a specific topic you would like me to cover in the next week’s newsletter?

If yes, you can reply to this email.

Have an awesome week. See you next Monday!

— Pankaj

P.S. If you’re a small business owner, there are 3 ways I can help you —

  1. Create your shopify store.

  2. Optimize your website for high conversion.

  3. Run effective email marketing campaigns to grow your business.

If interested, just drop me a message on Instagram or reply to this email.

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